Zebra Pack "The King's Menagerie", including a menagerie building, a zebra, a pink Flemish and a tree.
Bring the famous menagerie of the Château de Versailles to life, thanks to this creation of Studio ROOF! Built from 1662 in the estate, its vocation was to house the wild and exotic animals of King Louis XIV. His impressive collection of animals allowed the king to show his power. Disappeared during the revolution, its remains can still be visited in the castle grounds.
Studio ROOF是由三對童心未冥的夫婦於所創立,宗旨是為了能夠設計出適合各年齡層且附有想像力及創意的作品。工作室發想的靈感與所設計的商品皆以紙材為基礎,因為他們認為紙是一個可以無限發想與創作的媒材。Studio ROOF的設計靈感取自於生活周遭的自然事物,如動植物、昆蟲、海洋、建築等,並且紙材也取用天然環保且堅固的紙板及植物性顏料,使作品取之於自然並用之於自然。
【法國國家博物館聯合會 Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais】
法國國家博物館聯合會(Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais)簡稱Rmn-GP,成立於1895年,原為國家機構徵集典藏品而設立。自創立至今已涵蓋共計32間博物館及23個展覽場域,並與當地工藝作坊合作,為眾多機構研發與設計相關高質感美術館商品。