例:Fresh Crap, $8.99 a pound. Jacob: That reminds me of a sign I saw in San Francisco’s Chinatown. 傑可:那讓我想起以前在舊金山看到的一個招牌。 Winnie: What did it say? 溫妮:那個招牌寫什麼? Jacob: It was hilarious. It said “Special! Fresh Crap, $8.99 a pound.” 傑可:很爆笑,上面寫著 Special! Fresh Crap, $8.99 a pound(特價!新鮮大便,每磅 8.99 美元) Winnie: You mean C-R-A-P—that kind of crap? 溫妮:你是說,C-R-A-P 那個大便? Jacob: Yes. Why buy it for $8.99 a pound when you can get it for free? Ha-ha. 傑可:對,幹嘛要花 8.99 美元買一磅根本免費的東西?哈哈! Winnie: That is pretty funny. It was probably supposed to be “crab.” To Chinese speakers, “p” and “b” sound pretty similar. 溫妮:真好笑,可能原本要寫 crab(螃蟹)吧。對說中文的人來說,p 和 b 聽起來差不多。
目錄: 特別企劃:英文新話題 0-1 Donald Trump 94狂 0-2 Pokémon Go! 寶可夢 0-3 Uber 優步 0-4 The Paris Climate Agreement巴黎氣候協定 0-5 VR Headset 虛擬實境頭戴裝置
Unit 2:望文不生義的英文情報秘密 「車」相關片語 ・burn rubber、put the pedal to the metal、behind the wheel ・車子基本裝備英文
say相關用法 ・You don’t say.、sth. goes without saying、I’ll say.、That’s what they all say. Says you!、Says who?、To say the least! ・say的用法
mouth相關片語 ・one’s mouth is hanging open、put one’s foot in one’s mouth ・should have kept one’s (big) mouth shut、(straight) from the horse’s mouth、 ・put words in one’s mouth、put one’s money where one’s mouth is ・make one’s mouth water、hand to mouth ・常見口腔疾病
I’m sold. 是「我被出賣了」的意思嗎? ・I’m sold.、not be sold on sth.、sell sb. out、sell oneself short ・sellout 違背理念的人
picture 除了當「照片」,還代表什麼意思? ・get the picture、the big picture、out of the picture
Same difference. 到底是「一樣」還是「不一樣」? ・Same difference.、one and the same、by the same token、be on the same page ・Same here.、in the same boat、sth. will never be the same
take 相關用法 ・Are you taking this all in?、do whatever it takes、have what it takes ・do a double take、I take it….、What’s your take on…? ・Point taken.、give and take、take after sb.
I beg your pardon! 你再說一遍試試看! ・I beg your pardon!、Come again?、I didn’t catch that. ・Care to elaborate?、Fill me in.
你知道 worse for wear 是什麼意思嗎? ・(the) worse for wear、be wiped out、under the weather ・I down with a bug.、I have a frog in one’s throat.
作客時聽到 You’re in for a treat. 你知道該如何回應嗎? ・You’re in for a treat.、to one’s heart’s content、drink / eat one’s fill、hit the spot ・get one’s…fix、What a rush.、get a kick out of it、That’s the ticket.
party 相關英文 ・party crasher、party pooper、the life of the party、party animal ・跟派對有關的說法 ・派對邀請函常見用語
day 相關表達法 ・bad hair day、have a bad day、Today’s just not my day. ・not give sb. the time of day、haven’t got all day、have a field day (with) ・call it a day、save the day、make one’s day、night and day
number 相關片語 ・one’s number is up、one’s days are numbered、do a number on sb. ・by the numbers、look out for number one、safety in numbers ・crunch (the) numbers、numbers game、、
「精、氣、神」英文要如何表達? ・I’m totally pumped!、a bundle of energy、breathe (new) life into… ・on top of one’s game、go gangbusters、go all out、bring one’s A game
hand 相關片語 ・go hand in hand、get out of hand、I’m an old hand.、 ・know sth. like the back of one’s hand、You’re in good hands with me. ・one’s hands are tied、ask for sb.’s hand、hand it to sb. ・get one’s hands on sth.、have the upper hand
cake, pie, cookie相關片語 ・Let them eat cake.、sell like hot cakes.、have one’s cake and eat it too.、nutty as a fruitcake. ・easy as pie、piece of the pie、as American as apple pie ・That’s the way the cookie crumbles.
hold 相關片語 ・(not) hold a candle to...、How are you holding up? ・hold (all) the cards、hold a gun to sb.’s head、hold up one’s end of the bargain ・keep / hold sb. at arm’s length、(not) hold one’s breath、hold onto your hat
「貓、 魚」 相關片語 ・guilty as a cat in a fishbowl、let the cat out of the bag、there’s more than one way to skin a cat、 Look what the cat dragged in! ・There are plenty of (other) fish in the sea.、a fish out of water、Something fishy is going on.、 have bigger fish to fry
「牛」相關片語 ・What’s your beef?、have a beef with sb.、have a cow、Where’s the beef? ・beef up、cash cow、till the cows come home、cry over spilt milk、all sizzle and no steak
fat chance 到底是好運?還是壞運? ・fat chance、What are the chances? 怎麼會這麼巧? ・luck out、streak of bad luck、beginner’s luck、happy-go-lucky、push one’s luck、uck of the Irish
有 fun 的片語不開心? ・Are we having fun yet?、more fun than a barrel of monkeys、You’re no fun. ・poke fun at sb.、(not) just fun and games、That’s half the fun! Time flies when you’re having fun.
「水果」相關片語 ・Life is just a bowl of cherries.、sour grapes、turn lemons into lemonade、the apple of one’s eye 、a bad apple、the apple never falls far from the tree、top banana、make like a banana and split
Unit 3:這句英文錯在哪? 拼字錯誤 ・Beef with Dried Bean Crud ・Fresh Crap, $8.99 a pound. ・White Phinocero
L跟 R 不分 ・tapioca pearls, grass jelly, pudding, oleo
字型近似 ・Please be quite after 11:00 p.m.
發音相同 ・Eye Heart You, Man On The Great Wall.
文法錯誤 ・The World Fastest Elevator ・Forbidden Park ・Violators will be fine
易混淆字 ・the escalator will be out of service at the following times: everyday 22:00 to closing time ・If you are stolen, call the police at once.
用法錯誤 ・Manure Pit ・Thanks for your coming! ・The wild dog haunts, Take care yourself ・Don’t overtake 6 men. ・Don’t Stretch Avoided Biting. ・Violating the rule in the tunnel, fined ceaselessly. ・Please leave your preciousness in safe with the counter. ・Please Avoid Carefully The Collision ・Director-general Mailbox ・Beware of Pedestrians ・Special for deformed ・Cosy Prompt, Visitor Please Sidewalk.
易導致誤解 ・Taiwan, Touch Your Heart ・Kiss and ride ・No Mokus Passenger ・Taipei Pot Plant Auction ・SWEAR ・The Kaohsiung Do-Do Train
EZ TALK編輯部 一群熱愛外語教學的出版人,視語言為溝通視野、拓展生命的裝備,立志做優質好書與世共享。